I haven’t been teaching yet but what would keep me from using material from the internet is, that I might break copyright or data privacy. The laws here are quite confusing. Reliable sources are a thing as well, otherwise you might pass on wrong informations to your students. I would still use online material, because the access is so easy but I guess it needs good reseach.
In my personal life I would like to improve having a look “outside the box” more often. Since everybody is tracking your preferences, it is easy to stay informed about things you are interested in and that suit your opinion. But at the same time there is less content from a different perspective displayed to you.
I´ve just finished writing a beautiful Long comment which has been deleted because elewa kicked me out. Basically I agree with everything you say, Annika 😀
In general, you can use materials from the internet in your lessons, IF they have a direct connection to the content you are teaching. You can even use professional photographs, that are usually protected by copyright and restricted by the owner. However, there is one very important detail: You are not allowed to make the materials public.
For exampe: You are doing a presentation in front of your class, or even parents or on a school-related event – that’s fine. But putting the presentation on the school’s website for everyone to see will violate the copyright. It would be ok if you put it on the website behind a passwort protection so that only the proper audience can access it. Small, but very important detail.
Correct me if anything has changed in this regards.
Until now I have rather used printed magasines. I guess the challenge of using internet news at school is the huge (too big) amount of available source. My motto: less is more 🙂
1. What are the main reasons for you to use the Internet?
To do research, to buy and sell things, to communicate, to teach (due to corona) and for entertainment.
2. Which three most relevant purposes does the Internet serve in your life (professional as well as private)?
Communication, gathering information, recreation.
3. Which skills or competences did you need to develop in order to make meaningful use (judged from your own perspective) of the Internet and its various sources?
I had to learn how to type, use a mouse and how to browse safely.
4. Do you feel up-to-date in terms of Internet usage or would you wish for more knowledge, additional skills, competent support?
I do feel rather up-to-date. 🙂
5. If you had questions or felt that you need support, would you know where to turn to or who to ask?
Yes, Mr Google or some explanatory video on Youtube.
I just did some Internet research regarding the octopus which really helped me to understand its special features. It is a helpful tool in times where libraries are closed and we are stuck at home. I could not have done my research paper without the internet during corona times.
Furthermore I could not have fixed my old car without “Youtube”.
Still I am certain that we have to be aware of the possible leaks in the net, of false articles and of the fact that we actually are transparent in the digital world.
But as long as we are able to understand the medium and know what we are using it for I believe it to be a good addition to all the other media one uses.
Having worked in two danish schools where the use of the internet is quite ordinary I could not see negative effects on the students, each time 4th graders.
Actually I would try to find an equal balance between analog and digital media once I am teaching.
What I consider to barely is important that teachers are up-to-date with the media they use,
that is to say we have to be at least as good as the students we teach. And that can be challenge.
1) I use the internet mostly for private purposes but especially these days for a lot of work-related communication as well.
2) Entertainment. Information. Communication.
3) When I was in school, Wikipedia became big and back then we were always told that “Wikipedia is not a reliable source”. So what we had to learn was how to use it as a kind of index to find higher regarded sources of information. A skill that came in very useful at university.
I also learned some basic html in school, but that was never really needed.
The most important skill I learned was how to distinguish serious information from opinions, hoaxes, fishing attempts, etc.
4 & 5) Yes. Of course I don’t know everything, but I know how and where to look to learn it.
For class 12, I have mostly used material that I have gathered from the internet this year: cartoons that relate to political and social goings-on, newspaper articles, interviews, opinion pieces, historical maps, historical photographs, even youtube clips that I have based listening comprehensions on.
I find youtube a wonderful source if you want to work with lesser known spoken-word artists or bring in a song that fits exactly what you have been talking about but that is not easily available.
Using online recordings and clips is something that has helped me make my online lessons varied and interesting – or so I hope. When we are in school, I can hardly use these materials due to the lack of technical equipment. At the same time, I do not feel the urge to use them so much, since we can do so many other meaningful things with language when we share the same physical space.
1. To do research, to communicate, for entertainment.
2. comunicating, informing/educating myself, and having fun.
3. learn how to communicate online, select my informations/ evaluate my sources, use of search engines…
4. I don’t know everything but I feel rather up-to-date
5. I would also use Google and Youtube for reviews and tutorials. However, depending on the situation (if I had to buy a new computer for example) I’d rather ask my friends or people close to me, so I guess I do tend to be overwhelmed with the amount of information when it comes to certain topics.
1. The main reason for me to use the Internet at the moment is the online courses due to the pandemic, which is why I spend a lot of time in zoom conferences and using communication tools in general (email/messengers). Apart from that I use the internet to gather information (news and „research“). Another reason is of course entertainment (radio, Netflix).
2. Most relevant (again especially under the current circumstances) is the communication with family and friends that I wouldn‘t be able to communicate with otherwise.
3. This question makes me travel back in time to my first IT lessons at school. I think what has proved very important for me was learning how to type, how to research stuff with search engines and also the basic concepts of which possibilities the internet provides and how to make use of them.
4. I do feel like I am rather up-to-date at least to the extent to which I am using the internet. However, I feel like a lot is happening and I don‘t feel so in touch with a lot of the media used by teenagers.
5. To a certain extent I guess I would be able to help myself, and when I‘ve reached my limits, I think I would know how to ask, but that also depends on what I would need help with 🙂
I like to use the internet to get inspired or to inform me about things I am not sure about.
I would say I use the inernet quite often in my privte life and also in my profession!
But I also think that it is necessary to learn how to use the internet, because there is a huge amount of information and not every one is usefull.
Overall I would say it is crucial to learn how to use the information provided on the internet. Mostly it’s about knowing the reason the intention of the provider.
For the Gartenbau classes I have only used the internet to get inspiration for the blackboard pictures and recipes.
In school (in class), I have not used the internet so far. On the one hand, due to the lacking technical equipment. On the other hand, because I am currently teaching classes 3-6.
Nevertheless, in my personal as well as my professional life I use the internet quite frequently for information/resources, inspiration, and communication. There are many great resources available (news, texts, audio and video files) for teaching. It is just important to know how to navigate, interpret, and use the the sources in order to have a meaningful use and outcome.
Q 1: research
Q 2: research, info
Q 3: self discipline, being immune to flashy things
Q 4: AI is a challenge, I will need to know more about it. My colleagues are saving time preparing for class by using AI and are familiar how to check student’s work whether it was Chat GPT generated…
Q 5: Colleagues are definitely more knowledgeable and would be my first choice.
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As I am actually teaching Fine Arts I just used some internet-photographs in class 9
but I don’t have experiences in using it in FLL.
I haven’t been teaching yet but what would keep me from using material from the internet is, that I might break copyright or data privacy. The laws here are quite confusing. Reliable sources are a thing as well, otherwise you might pass on wrong informations to your students. I would still use online material, because the access is so easy but I guess it needs good reseach.
In my personal life I would like to improve having a look “outside the box” more often. Since everybody is tracking your preferences, it is easy to stay informed about things you are interested in and that suit your opinion. But at the same time there is less content from a different perspective displayed to you.
I´ve just finished writing a beautiful Long comment which has been deleted because elewa kicked me out. Basically I agree with everything you say, Annika 😀
In general, you can use materials from the internet in your lessons, IF they have a direct connection to the content you are teaching. You can even use professional photographs, that are usually protected by copyright and restricted by the owner. However, there is one very important detail: You are not allowed to make the materials public.
For exampe: You are doing a presentation in front of your class, or even parents or on a school-related event – that’s fine. But putting the presentation on the school’s website for everyone to see will violate the copyright. It would be ok if you put it on the website behind a passwort protection so that only the proper audience can access it. Small, but very important detail.
Correct me if anything has changed in this regards.
Until now I have rather used printed magasines. I guess the challenge of using internet news at school is the huge (too big) amount of available source. My motto: less is more 🙂
I haven´t been teaching yet but I would use the internet to get new inspiration to create good and varied lessons.
1. What are the main reasons for you to use the Internet?
To do research, to buy and sell things, to communicate, to teach (due to corona) and for entertainment.
2. Which three most relevant purposes does the Internet serve in your life (professional as well as private)?
Communication, gathering information, recreation.
3. Which skills or competences did you need to develop in order to make meaningful use (judged from your own perspective) of the Internet and its various sources?
I had to learn how to type, use a mouse and how to browse safely.
4. Do you feel up-to-date in terms of Internet usage or would you wish for more knowledge, additional skills, competent support?
I do feel rather up-to-date. 🙂
5. If you had questions or felt that you need support, would you know where to turn to or who to ask?
Yes, Mr Google or some explanatory video on Youtube.
I just did some Internet research regarding the octopus which really helped me to understand its special features. It is a helpful tool in times where libraries are closed and we are stuck at home. I could not have done my research paper without the internet during corona times.
Furthermore I could not have fixed my old car without “Youtube”.
Still I am certain that we have to be aware of the possible leaks in the net, of false articles and of the fact that we actually are transparent in the digital world.
But as long as we are able to understand the medium and know what we are using it for I believe it to be a good addition to all the other media one uses.
Having worked in two danish schools where the use of the internet is quite ordinary I could not see negative effects on the students, each time 4th graders.
Actually I would try to find an equal balance between analog and digital media once I am teaching.
What I consider to barely is important that teachers are up-to-date with the media they use,
that is to say we have to be at least as good as the students we teach. And that can be challenge.
1) I use the internet mostly for private purposes but especially these days for a lot of work-related communication as well.
2) Entertainment. Information. Communication.
3) When I was in school, Wikipedia became big and back then we were always told that “Wikipedia is not a reliable source”. So what we had to learn was how to use it as a kind of index to find higher regarded sources of information. A skill that came in very useful at university.
I also learned some basic html in school, but that was never really needed.
The most important skill I learned was how to distinguish serious information from opinions, hoaxes, fishing attempts, etc.
4 & 5) Yes. Of course I don’t know everything, but I know how and where to look to learn it.
Q1 – Information sourcing, research, functional tool for e. g. online banking, order of goods, zoom conferences, way of passing time
Q 2 – Connecting people, making information available, showing context
Q 3 – Find out which info is serious/reliable, evaluate the content, get a critical view on contents/sources
Q4 – Absolutely feel up to date.
Q5 – Yes.
As I have not actively started teaching yet, unfortunately I cannot report on experiences of using the internet/online courses for pupils.
For class 12, I have mostly used material that I have gathered from the internet this year: cartoons that relate to political and social goings-on, newspaper articles, interviews, opinion pieces, historical maps, historical photographs, even youtube clips that I have based listening comprehensions on.
I find youtube a wonderful source if you want to work with lesser known spoken-word artists or bring in a song that fits exactly what you have been talking about but that is not easily available.
Using online recordings and clips is something that has helped me make my online lessons varied and interesting – or so I hope. When we are in school, I can hardly use these materials due to the lack of technical equipment. At the same time, I do not feel the urge to use them so much, since we can do so many other meaningful things with language when we share the same physical space.
1. To do research, to communicate, for entertainment.
2. comunicating, informing/educating myself, and having fun.
3. learn how to communicate online, select my informations/ evaluate my sources, use of search engines…
4. I don’t know everything but I feel rather up-to-date
5. I would also use Google and Youtube for reviews and tutorials. However, depending on the situation (if I had to buy a new computer for example) I’d rather ask my friends or people close to me, so I guess I do tend to be overwhelmed with the amount of information when it comes to certain topics.
1. The main reason for me to use the Internet at the moment is the online courses due to the pandemic, which is why I spend a lot of time in zoom conferences and using communication tools in general (email/messengers). Apart from that I use the internet to gather information (news and „research“). Another reason is of course entertainment (radio, Netflix).
2. Most relevant (again especially under the current circumstances) is the communication with family and friends that I wouldn‘t be able to communicate with otherwise.
3. This question makes me travel back in time to my first IT lessons at school. I think what has proved very important for me was learning how to type, how to research stuff with search engines and also the basic concepts of which possibilities the internet provides and how to make use of them.
4. I do feel like I am rather up-to-date at least to the extent to which I am using the internet. However, I feel like a lot is happening and I don‘t feel so in touch with a lot of the media used by teenagers.
5. To a certain extent I guess I would be able to help myself, and when I‘ve reached my limits, I think I would know how to ask, but that also depends on what I would need help with 🙂
I like to use the internet to get inspired or to inform me about things I am not sure about.
I would say I use the inernet quite often in my privte life and also in my profession!
But I also think that it is necessary to learn how to use the internet, because there is a huge amount of information and not every one is usefull.
Overall I would say it is crucial to learn how to use the information provided on the internet. Mostly it’s about knowing the reason the intention of the provider.
For the Gartenbau classes I have only used the internet to get inspiration for the blackboard pictures and recipes.
In school (in class), I have not used the internet so far. On the one hand, due to the lacking technical equipment. On the other hand, because I am currently teaching classes 3-6.
Nevertheless, in my personal as well as my professional life I use the internet quite frequently for information/resources, inspiration, and communication. There are many great resources available (news, texts, audio and video files) for teaching. It is just important to know how to navigate, interpret, and use the the sources in order to have a meaningful use and outcome.
Q 1: research
Q 2: research, info
Q 3: self discipline, being immune to flashy things
Q 4: AI is a challenge, I will need to know more about it. My colleagues are saving time preparing for class by using AI and are familiar how to check student’s work whether it was Chat GPT generated…
Q 5: Colleagues are definitely more knowledgeable and would be my first choice.